Back to School with Letterland!

The June Holidays have ended, and we are all back to school now! The Letterlanders are all ready to kickstart a new school term of learning!
Happy National Day, Singapore!

Happy National Day, Singapore! May we grow as a nation to achieve greater heights and successes! Majulah Singapura!
Happy Teacher’s Day!

JLB wishes all teachers and educators a very Happy Teacher’s Day! Thank you for all the good work that you do for the children, our leaders of tomorrow!
Cambridge Reading Adventures (CRA) English Readers for Preschoolers

If you are looking for Chinese readers for your centre, look no further! JLB is the appointed distributor of CI-NTU Chinese Curriculum, as well as for Marshall Cavendish Chinese readers that have been specially designed to be used in local preschool curriculum/contexts.
Chinese Readers for Preschoolers

If you are looking for Chinese readers for your centre, look no further! JLB is the appointed distributor of CI-NTU Chinese Curriculum, as well as for Marshall Cavendish Chinese readers that have been specially designed to be used in local preschool curriculum/contexts.
Happy New Year 2024!

Wishing all our customers a wonderful New Year ahead!